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Love Marriage Vs. Arranged Marriage

Marriage,a word which knocks everyone's mind.But when it comes to the type everyone is in a big dilemma.
Yes you want the partner of your choice either it may be a man or a woman,but what if he or she is not having the 'my type' factor in them, this is where the debate on the two categories take its head start.The main topics of consideration are;
1.Is he/she a virgin.
    This is tough to accept but in today's date many of us worry about is,will we get a partner who was chaste before the marriage or a playboy or playgirl. This is too a matter of concern,and the place where love marriage takes the cap. Love marriage takes is to the days of past when you both were together and busy enough to design your future.This is the milestone where you actually know the reality of your partner who he/she actually was and what were their matter of interest.
 But when it comes to arrange marriage  you are most probably being handed over with a packed gift hamper,and you don't know whats there in it.

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                                                           SOURCE-  demotivation.us

2.Family support:
    Being an orthodox  your parents will obviously refrain you for going in the stream of love marriage and accordingly you'll get pushed into the situation where you and your partner need to suffer. Arrange marriage in this aspect are on the safer side.You get due respect,amazing treatment and but obvious recognition in the so called 'SOCIETY'. All you need to do is just do what your parents say and let the steering of your life be in someone else's hand.
                                                             SOURCE- youthtimes.in

3.Chances of getting betrayed:
     This is the counterpart situation in which both the rivals are at equal risk.YES you may get stabbed on your back and the pain may even last for the entire life. The crux of including this very point is anyone can be a victim. Husband can get into an affair with their secretary or wife can get into an affair with the neighbor 'Hypothetically'.No matter how old your relationship is,chances are you can be a victim apparently.

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                                                                     SOURCE- quotesaddict.com

4. Success rates:
      Success rates in terms of happiness and peace are actually not dependent on  the type of marriage but on the lifestyle you live and the chunk of money you earn. Being very succint 'the more you earn' the more successful you are.There are many lovebirds out there who in the heat of the moment
get married and have no secure mode of earning.This is where the love marriage gets a negative mark.Many are under peer pressure to marry the love of their life and get in an array of trouble.
Arrange marriage in this term has a streak of success for the following reasons;
1.You will get dowry(if an Indian).
2.You will get supported by the girl's family.
Whereas in love marriage you are the only warrior of light and no one but you yourself are your healer.

Not every love marriage is a hardship,there a examples where the love marriages are on the secure side than arrange marriage.Coming to a conclusion what matters is the love,trust and the zeal to be committed. Marriages are of just some random types but do what you feel. Don't let your life be a football of someone else's leg.Do what you need,let the feeling of satisfaction help you take the deep sleep.Marriages are just a formality,an entitlement of togetherness,what matters is the desire.

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