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How to overcome fear?

Fear is an inseparable part of life and can arise in many situations. It comes in many variations like fear of failure, fear of animals, fear of public speaking, etc. There are thousand specific ways to overcome every specific fear, but in this article we'll be talking of fear as a whole. The better you understand it, the better you eliminate it from your lives.

I would like to share my own views on how I understood fear. Fear comes up only cause of three prime reasons:

Fear of loosing something that you already have
We all have something in our hands in today's date. For doing something new we might have to risk everything that we have today to reach out and grab something better. There is always a fear in mind that while chasing for something better, we might loose that we already possess.

Fear of the hard work that is to be done to grab something  better
Now that you have decided that you want something better than what you have, you calculate the efforts needed to accomplish the task. The calculation comes out to be a monumental amount of hard work which you haven't ever done up till now in your entire life. The result again is fear, fear of the tremendous amount of work, the time needed and also the consistency required.

Fear of not reaching anywhere
Last but not the least the fear of not reaching anywhere after doing the required hard work. You always have a doubt in your mind that there might be a chance that your efforts may go in vain and you don't come up with the desired results. Such doubts again result in fear which prevent you from taking any effective steps to the goal you desired.

Now looking at the above points let's discuss how fear could be eliminated.

1. For the first point, every step you take will always take you to a better position. No efforts go wasted in their entirety. They always come up with some knowledge and lessons. Yes, you won't have what you had yesterday but you'll surely have something better.

2. Human beings are continuous learners. Making efforts towards your goals will only add many lessons to your learning process and will be for your own betterment. You are always in a win win situation.

3. If you took proper steps then you'll surely reach your goal, even if you did not while taking those steps you acquired a lot of knowledge on the field that you were working on. Even if your idea didn't worked out today, this acquired knowledge will help you workout many such ideas in the future.

All we need to do is change our perspective towards our goals and efforts and we may get results better than what we ever expected.

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