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How I quit smoking and never turned back

Smoking in today's lifestyle has turned to a fashion statement in some perspectives and a never ending addiction. People think smoking makes them look really cool.For others, it is an escape from their current life problems. Some say it makes them think faster. Every smoker has some or the other fancy reason to smoke.

Talking of myself, I used to be a chain smoker, a pack of cigarettes used to be an everyday deal. Smoking used to be the escape from every problem in my life from work, relationships, stress,etc. As soon as the problem would arise rather than thinking of the potential solution, the first thing that used to popup in my mind was smoking. I would also blame movies for such behaviour of mine. In movies you get to see the hero smoking and drinking and eventually after that he emerges more powerful than ever. I rather laugh on myself today that how stupid I was thinking like that seeing such idiotic movies and applying that shit in real life.

How I did it!

It all depends on your mind, your psychology, how capable are you in facing your problems. Remember the days when you were a  kid. You used to face a lot of problems like being bullied by seniors, your homework, punishments,etc. Then you never used to think about smoking. The prime reason being, then you were strong, at least stronger than today. Now you may say that when you grow old, even your problems become more critical,but if an 8 year old child looses his tiffin box, even that is a big problem for him. Even your problem could seem very minute to other people. So here everything boils down to your strength.

If you are student and don't have access to a lot of bucks, the second trick is keep your pockets empty. Yes,that's correct, keep your pockets empty. By doing this,whenever you go out and you feel like smoking, you don't have money in your pocket to buy cigarettes. This is also a reason why kids don't smoke

I also came across people who smoked just to kill boredom.To rectify such problems you must have a hobby. A hobby helps you pass  time and also gives you a feeling of accomplishment and success when you start excelling in it. The second way could be to stop procrastination. Stop delaying your work and respect time in your life. This ways you'll always be busy and your mind won't remind of

Most habits,bad or good, are learned by our friends and people around us. The first time you smoked, it must be your friend who taught you this. Avoid such people who remind you of smoking or who force you to smoke with them.

Yes, I agree that smoking helps you think better, the reason being that cigarettes have tobacco which contains nicotine. This Nicotine when mixed with your blood excites your body making your heart rate increase. As your heart rate increases, the blood flow in the body increases, giving rise to excess blood being pumped to your brain. The brain receives more amount of blood hence your thinking capacity increases. There are many other natural and healthy ways to mimic this phenomena, the best being regular exercising. As you exercise  regularly most of your stress harmones are released and your blood flow remains normal and intact for the entire day.

The more we think that smoking will help us solve problems, the more problems we invite in our lives. You can get a second chance with anything in this world, but not with your life.  

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