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What Does Google's ' I'm Feeling Lucky' Button Do?

Did you ever noticed that there are two buttons below the search textbox viz. Google Search and I'm Feeling Lucky. We all have used the Google Search button for a thousand times but never thought of the second button. In many new versions of Google Chrome, the button is even missing because of its low usage. I personally feel that people don't use it because they are unaware of what it actually does and that is what we'll be discussing today.

The Intention
The main intention behind the button here is just to save your time. How? must be the question arising in your mind. There are two types of searches done on Google, one, where the user searches his desired content on multiple web pages for example searching for a particular product on E-commerce shops through Google where you go to many search results one after the other to find your desired product. The second type of search is more obvious one where somebody searches for a particular website like Facebook, Lifechuck.in, etc. In these searches the item being searched is for sure the first result of the search results. So in order to open the first result directly without opening the search results page we can press the I'm Feeling Lucky button and go to the desired page directly.
If you press the I'm Feeling Lucky button without entering the search text, we are directed to the Google Doodle archive page which contains all the Doodles Google used and you can browse them all.

 I'm Feeling Lucky button not working - Not feeling so lucky?
To activate the button in your browser, you need to follow the following steps:
1. Go to Google settings

2. Turn of the Google Instant Predictions by selecting Never show instant results.

3. Press Save at the bottom of the page.

Let's take an example
Enter lifechuck.in in the search text.

Press I'm Feeling Lucky button. You'll be directed directly to Lifechuck.in's home page.

Note that Lifechuck.in was the first result of the Google search.

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