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How to clear GATE in a month?

With the release of GATE 17 forms I have been seeing the same history being repeated. Aspirants are blindly filling forms and playing a gamble with their luck. They say if it's written in my destiny I'll guess the correct answers during the exam. Here I am assuring a guaranteed result. I did it myself, clearing GATE is easy provided you put a proper plan to action added with a month of hard work.

First keep in mind you'll only clear the cutoff score using this strategy. You won't get an IIT but for doing MTech you'll surely get 12400 rupees from the government per month.  Also clearing GATE shows you really did engineering and you are proficient enough to call yourself an engineer.


Source: www.lumesse.com

The plan comprises of 3 stages.  Each stage comprises of  10 days. The three stages being General Aptitude,  Engineering mathematics and third comprises of 2 more subjects. Be ready to get your arse whooped for 30 days.

Stage 1
The paper comprises of 15 marks of General aptitude. These 15 are the easiest you can grab.  Our plan is mainly based on these 15 marks.  Practice maths and English from textbooks of class seventh, eighth,  ninth,  tenth. This should not take more than 10 days.

Stage 2
The second stage comprises of doing engineering mathematics, that too mainly some selected topics like matrices, limits and their  indefinte forms and functions. Most questions in the exam are based on these topics. Also practice evaluating the value of a function at a particular value.  That will help.

Stage 3
The third and the final stage makes you do some analysis on subjects from your branch with the highest weight in GATE and select two out of those which you know the best. Now grab two reference books, one for  each selected subjects.  Go through the GATE syllabus and read thoroughly the same topics from the books which are stated in the syllabus. Two  subjects will atleast let you score 10 more marks in the exam.

So after the total preparation you can expect something like
14 (aptitude) + 10 (maths) + 10(2 chosen subjects)

Something in 30s is good and definitely a valid score.
All the best.

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