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How to choose the best performance smartphone in your budget?

The Indian smartphone market is flooded with a gigantic number of smartphones from various vendors. In each price bracket there are numerous offerings from various manufacturers which leaves the consumer in a dilemma of which is the best buy for his hard earned money. Most Indian consumers demand one prime requirement and that is a LAG FREE handset. In simpler words they demand high performance. Unfortunately most of them are trapped by the numbers game of manufacturers ie. the number of cores, the frequency, blah blah blah blah. In this number's game they miss out certain key points on how to judge a handset and end up buying the wrong product.

Stay tuned to get the formula of picking out the right smartphone for you.

First, the basics!

Your performance, battery backup and heating issues are mostly related to the processor you have in your handset. The technology used by the processor manufacturer to make the processor decides your phone's performance, battery backup and temperature.

Coming to manufacturers, there are four biggest mobile processor manufacturers namely
Samsung (Exynos Processors)
Qualcomm (Snapdragon Processors)
MediaTek (MT series and Helio series Processors)
Nvidia (Tegra Processors)

They all share the same big daddy that is ARM. ARM is a company which designs various new architectures for mobile processors. ARM sells these architectures to the above four manufacturers under a paid license agreement. These manufacturers then tweak this architecture according to their available technology and manufacture processors.


Does the number of cores and the clock frequency really decide how will your device perform. Absolutely not! Infact the best way to choose your processor is done in this order.

1. Architecture
As we run behind the latest Android OS, while choosing processors we should run behind the latest architecture. All the processors have the architecture specification besides them as Cortex A-5, Cortex A-9, etc. Now how to choose the latest architecture? It's really simple, the bigger the number following 'A' in the specification, the latest is the design. For example,in Cortex A-5 and Cortex A-9,
number 9 > 5, hence Cortex A-9 is a later design and also more advanced in terms of performance.

2. Technology
All the processors possess millions of small transistors in them. The technology used to manufacture these transistors is a very important domain of our search. The smaller the transistors, the lower power consumption and lower heating. Samsung here is the most advanced as it produces transistors upto 14nm. Then comes Nvidia and Qualcomm with 20nm design technology. Lastly comes MediaTek with 26nm-28nm technology. Now I hope you are able to make out why devices with MediaTek processors tend to get warm as compared to the others.

3. Cores
Cores means the number of smaller processors your handset comprises of. In simple language, the number of cores decide how many tasks the processor can handle at the same time. If it's a big task, it assigns multiple cores to the same task whereas if it's an easy task only one core is sufficient. Remember the downside, the more number of cores, the more power needed and lesser battery backup.

4. Frequency
Every processor is coupled with a clock to manage it's task. Now it could be 2GHz or 1Ghz or anything else. In my observations the clock speed doesn't matters much is the above three tick boxes have already been checked. You can't guarantee that a processor with lower frequency will be slower in performance as compared to the one with higher frequency.

So the next time you are buying a handset and seeking blazing performance follow the above instructions (IN THAT ORDER!!!) to make the most of your bucks. If you have any queries or suggestions, please leave them in the comment section. 

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